Swim Teams

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Swim Teams

The YMCA of East Tennessee is proud to have two GKAISA summer swim teams, the Tennova Family YMCA Typhoons and the Pilot Family Y Marlins.  The Davis Family YMCA is now offering a year-round swim team. From beginners to advanced high school swimmers, everyone is welcome to participate in a summer of fun on a Y swim team. Choose your location below for more information:

Davis Family Y

Davis Family Y Year-Round Swim Team

2025 Year-Round Swim Team:

The Davis Family Y is launching a new year-round swim team that will compete in spring/summer swim meets and practice year-round.


For ages 5-18, swimmers must be able to swim the length of the pool in under 60 seconds. Swimmers will also need to be able to swim both freestyle and backstroke. Additional strokes and stroke development will be taught!


Register in person at the Davis Family Y, over the phone by calling 865-777-9622, or online at ymcaknoxville.org/register.


Prices include all practices and events in a 4-month session and a swim cap.

  • Y Members: $280
  • Non-Member Program Participants: $500

Practice Times:

  • M/W/F evenings from 7:45-8:45pm

Coaching Staff:

  • Head Coach: Parker Dunn
  • Assistant Coaches: Connor Hutton, Evan Karnitz, Laura Shuford


  • Winter/Spring: January 6th – May 2nd
  • Summer: May 5th – August 29th
  • Fall/Winter: September 1st – December 15th

Tennova Family Y

Tennova Family Y Typhoons Swim Team

2024 Swim Team:

The Tennova Family Y has a summer swim team that participates in the GKAISA (Greater Knoxville Area Interclub Swimming Association) League 6.


For ages 5-18. As long as your child can swim a length of the pool unassisted in less than sixty seconds, we will teach them the rest!


Join us for Swim Team Sign-Up day at the Y on April 6th from 10am-2pm in our Conference Room. Meet the coaches and see our pool! If you can’t join us for sign-up day, stop by the front desk at the Y and ask about the Typhoons swim team.


Prices are for the whole season and include a t-shirt, swim cap, and awards.
  • YMCA Member – $185
  • Non-Member – $225

Practice Times:

Evening swim practices begin May 13th; morning practices will begin May 29th. The following are all practice times offered. You do not have to attend all practices.

  • Mornings 7-8am: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Evenings 7-9pm: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Meet Schedule:

This season, all meets will be away meets.

  • June 6th: Tennova Y vs. Clinton @ Oak Ridge
  • June 13th: Clinton vs. Tennova Y @ Newport Cocke County
  • June 18th: Tennova Y @ Arnstein JCC
  • June 29th: Smoky Mountain Invitational
  • July 11th: GKAISA City Championship Meet @ UT


HEAD COACH: Alexis Greenwell


Email Julie Walker at [email protected], or call the Y at (865) 922-9622.

Pilot Family Y

Pilot Family Y Marlins Swim Team

2025 Swim Team:

The Pilot Family Y has a summer swim team that participates in the GKAISA (Greater Knoxville Area Interclub Swimming Association) League 5.


For ages 6-18. As long as your child can swim a length of the pool unassisted in less than sixty seconds, we will teach them the rest!
Be a part of summer fun, a lifelong skill, and a winning tradition.


Sign up starting April 7th, 2025 online and in-house. Signing up is easy. Stop by the front desk at the Y and ask about the Marlins swim team
or online for ages 6-10, ages 11-14, or ages 15-18. Please also register in SwimTopia to ensure you are getting team emails and your athlete is registered for meets.


Prices are for the whole season and include a t-shirt, swim cap, entry fees for Smoky Mountain Invitational & City Meet, and awards. (Shirt and Cap to be ordered. May not arrive until July.)
  • YMCA Member – $200
  • Non-Member – $250

Practice Times:

Swim practices will run from May 27th through July 27th. We will also have a dryland only practices and parent meeting on May 27th. There will be no practice on Friday, July 4th.

May 27th: 6:30-7:30pm, all groups

May 28th through July 27th:
  • Mondays
    • 11 & Up: 9:00-10:00 AM & 6:30-7:30 PM
    • 10 & Under: 10:00-11:00 AM & 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Tuesdays
    • 11 & Up: 9:00-10:00 AM
  • Wednesdays
    • 11 & Up: 9:00-10:00 AM
    • 10 & Under:10:00-11:00 AM
  • Thursdays
    • 11 & Up: 9:00-10:00 AM & 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
    • 10 & Under: 6:30-7:30 PM
  • Fridays
    • 11 & Up: 9:00-10:00 AM
    • 10 & Under: 10:00-11:00 AM
*Please keep in mind these are practices times offered; you do not have to come to them all. Depending on team numbers, practice times could change slightly to accommodate breaking into a third age group.


Mike Jugan, Emma Adkins, Tessa Cieplucha, and Alexis Yager

Meet Schedule:

  • Tuesday, June 10th: PFY vs USC (@USC); Warm-Ups at 5pm; Meet at 6pm
  • Tuesday, June 17th: Blue & Purple (@PFY Intersquad Meet); Warm-ups at 5pm; Meet at 6pm
  • Tuesday, June 24th: GP vs PFY (@PFY); Warm-Ups at 5pm; Meet at 6pm
  • Tuesday, July 1st: Cherokee vs PFY (@MAFD); Warmups at 5pm Meet at 6pm
  • Thursday-Saturday, July 10th-12th: Tom Schumann Meet (City Meet); times TBA
  • Saturday-Sunday, July 26th-27th: Tentative Smoky Mountain Invitational; times and location TBA

Team Suit:

Our team suit is a Speedo suit called the “Eco Splice.” They’re black and purple with our Marlins logo in white. We’d love to have everyone in the Marlins team suit, but it is not mandatory. Thanks to Tennessee Aquatics’ partnership with Speedo, we’re able to get these personalized Marlins suits well below MSRP. The team suit will cost $49 for girls and $42 (jammer) for boys. Be sure to pick yours up at Swim and Tri. Located on Kingston Pike in Bearden, Swim and Tri is an awesome swim shop where you can gear up for the season. To get the discounted team rate, you will need to go there and let them know you are a Marlin!


Swim and Tri is offering a Marlins equipment bundle that includes a mesh bag, pull buoy, and fins. This equipment is not required but is recommended as we will incorporate it into our daily workout regimen. Additionally, all athletes will need goggles and should bring water bottles to practice.

Email [email protected] or Samantha Brand at [email protected] or call the YMCA at 865-690-9622.

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