Pool Safety
Safety Is Our #1 Priority
The pool is a great place to have fun and exercise, but the most important thing at the YMCA is your safety. In an effort to provide you with the safest environment possible, our aquatics staff team attends mandatory monthly in-service trainings and is audited regularly.
Whistle blasts and what they mean
- 1 long blast: Clear the pool immediately. Emergency situation!
- 2 short blasts: Lifeguard trying to get the attention of a swimmer or peer
YMCA Lightning Policy
- If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning.
- We will always clear our pools at the first sight or sound of lightning and/or thunder.
- A mandatory 30-minute wait will follow the sound or sight of thunder or lightning. Please be patient. We will re-open our pool as soon as we feel it is safe for you to re-enter.
Lifeguard Auditing
In an ongoing effort to provide the safest possible environment for our members and guests, please be aware that we conduct regular lifeguard audits. Many of these audits are realistic. These audits can alarm some children, so please take the time to inform any members of your group appropriately. Do not be alarmed if you witness what appears to be a rescue. Lifeguards are highly trained professionals. Never try to assist a lifeguard unless they specifically ask you to do so.

Swim Test Policy
Water safety is a top priority at the Y. We ask that all swimmers 13 and under take a swim test and wear a color-coded necklace to help our lifeguards identify swimmers who may need more assistance in the water.