Reach & Rise
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Mentor with the Y
Who mentored you?
Who helped you become the person you are today? Who were the supportive adults in your life that provided a source of encouragement and helped you feel less alone?
1 in 3 youth will grow up without a mentor.
The YMCA is dedicated to changing this, one life at a time. Through our Reach & Rise mentoring program, we seek to provide youth with a caring adult who will walk alongside them as both a friend and a role model.
The Y offers both 1-to-1 and Group Mentoring.
To view and print PDF versions of our Mentor and Mentee Application/Referral Forms, click below (existing links). If you are unable to print forms at home, you may access digital versions of these forms in a Google Form. Click to use the Google Form for Mentor Application or Mentee Referral
Get Involved
Email Ray Kitts, to become a Mentor, request a Mentor, or learn more.
Mentor Application Packet
Mentee Referral Form