Kinder Kicks Soccer
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Program Overview
Kinder Kicks youth soccer is an 8-week introductory soccer program for 4, 5, and 6-year-old girls and boys currently offered at our Davis Family YMCA. Y staff, along with volunteer parents and coaches, will introduce your child to soccer skills while allowing them to play real team soccer games.
Each week, your child’s team will meet for a 20-minute practice to develop dribbling, passing, shooting, defending, and other basic soccer skills. At the end of team practice, players participate in a 30-minute game against an opposing team. This one-day-a week format combines practice and games and is more convenient for busy families.
What’s Included
Registration includes a team shirt and end-of-season medal. Each player will need shin guards and tall socks. All other equipment, including jersey, is provided. Games and practices will run on Sunday afternoons for 8weeks at our Davis Family YMCA at 12133 S. Northshore Dr. All participants must turn 4 by the first game and may not turn 7 before the last game.
Volunteer Coaches needed! Contact Jolon Williams at [email protected] if you are interested in coaching Kinder Kicks.
Spring 2024 Season Info
- Registration: February 1st-March 24th
- Cost: $75 for Y Members; $85 for Non-Members
- Games & Practices: Sunday afternoons for 8 weeks; April 2nd – May 21st
- Saturday games Mother’s Day weekend (May 11th)
- Register online