Youth Fitness
Youth Fitness
The Y offers Youth Fitness classes for kids 6-12 years old at our YMCA of East Tennessee locations.
Youth Fitness is designed to provide children with the opportunity to become more active, physically and mentally fit, while building the framework for development into healthy youth and active adults. Developing healthy habits early in life has the potential to improve self-esteem, reduce childhood obesity, and shape positive attitudes by making fitness fun! The Y is working to make a change toward a healthier, more active generation now and for the future. Each Youth Fitness class includes a warm-up, muscle endurance, strength exercises, and games or play activities to make kids fitness fun!
Find Youth Fitness Classes at My Y
Just like any group exercise class, Youth Fitness is free for Y members. Non-member participants may purchase a guest pass at the front desk to join the fun. Check our schedules or call your local Y to find a class.